۱۳۹۹ فروردین ۱۹, سه‌شنبه

بخش۲م یادداشتهای فهرست نگار نسخه های خطی وپژوهشگر تاریخ روابط خارجی ایران

یادداشتهای پژوهشگر تاریخ روابط خارجی ایران ازسفر بترکمنستان بخش۱م باعنوان: عشق آباد دیروز وامروز ازسید علی موجانی
بخش۲م یادداشتهای سید علی موجانی فهرست نگار نسخه های خطی وپژوهشگر تاریخ روابط خارجی ایران از پایگاه عبرت پژوهی تاریخی. 

MeruretAbuseyitova (Kazakhstan)
The role of manuscripts and archival sources in the study of history and culture of the Turkic nations.
AmangulKarryyeva (Turkmenistan)
Matenadaran is the keeper of legendary “Kerogly”
Vladimir Besolov (Russia)
Private achieves and manuscripts of the architecture critics-orientalists and historians of art of the medieval orient as the most important national property and valuable sources of the investigation of the middle Asian peoples artistic heritage.
BayramBasarov (Turkmenistan)
To the usage of content-analysis in analysis of manuscripts.
AtoHojaev (Tajikistan)
The section of manuscript-the very source in studying language, literature and national heritage based on the works of MagtymgulyPyragi and its translation into the Tajik language.
AtajanBurynov (Turkmenistan)
Preservation, researching and popularization of manuscripts in modern conditions as one of the important directions in the policy of dear president GurbangulyBerdimuhamedov.
KawtharAbouelfetouh (Egypt)
Manuscripts reserved in the national library Darul-Kutup in Egypt by the scientists of Asia minor.
AkgulKayumova (Turkmenistan)
National values in the cultural development of the world.
Helga KohrsKegel (Spain)
Research of manuscripts in the frame of international cooperation.
AllamyratAkmyradov (Turkmenistan)
Scientific ethno botanical aspects of the work “treasure of Horezm shah” by Seyit Ismail Gurgenli.
DanutaChmielowska (Poland)
Oriental written documents found in Poland’s libraries.
OguljahanSopyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts – core of the historical novels.
Igor Zherebtsov (Russia)
Interpretation of manuscripts as a source of cultural heritage study.
NurtachAnnamuhammedova (Turkmenistan)
The novel that increases value of the national manuscripts.
BeshirBarakat (Jodan)
The manuscripts are the main source in studying the history of Beytul-Makdis.
GulalekNurbadova (Turkmenistan)
About zikir dance in manuscripts source.
KrisztinaFogas (Hungary)
Arminius Vambery: the introduction of the Turkmen language and manuscripts to the western world.
BatyrKakageldiyev (Turkmenistan)
Praise of patriotism and courage of sultan Jelaledddin in the manuscript sources.
AkermiJaafar (Tunisia)
Library network of manuscripts of republic Tunisia.
SeyytgulyMamednurov (Turkmenistan)
The importance of manuscripts for enrichment of the Bagshy’s repertoire.
MarchinaEnzmann (Avstriya)
In search of cultures.
ArslanMuradov, HatijaMamedkuliyeva (Turkmenistan)
Ancient manuscripts are people’s memory.
MinawaerAibibula (China)
On the collecting and codification of ancient works of minority literature in Xingjian.
GulshirinOrazova (Turkmenistan)
The importance of researching interconnection between Azady’s and Magtymguly’s philosophical thoughts.
Galina Mishkinene (Lithuania)
Manuscripts of the Lithuanian Tatars as the major monument of national culture.
SerdarShemiyev (Turkmenistan)
Education by word in “Kutadgu-bilik” poem.
TeggorHochine (Algeria)
Algerian collection of manuscripts.
OgulgerekShageldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Professor Y. E. Bertels about studying the Turkmen literature.
NedirgulyRejepdurdyyev (Turkmenistan)
Value of mutual cooperation of the central Asian states at studying of manuscripts.
LachynPurjayeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts as the valuable source for studying lullabies and ceremonies connected to the birth of child.
OguljennetDurdymuhammedova, TumarSaparmyradova (Turkmenistan)
Contrastive analysis of the grammatical category of case in Turkmen and English on the example of the works written about our national heritage.
DmitreiNasilov (Russia)
The role of the manuscripts in studying the history of Turkic languages.
MuradPenjiyev (Turkmenistan)
HojaAkhmedYassavi’s “Hikmets” and the Turkmen language.
Pasha Kerimov (Azerbaijan)
On the history of the Azerbaijani handwritten book.
GylychNepesov (Turkmenistan)
NurmuhammedAndalib about Oguz-Turkmen writing.
HendrikBoeschoten (Niderlandiya)
The manuscripts of the Qisas-I Rabghuzi as a source for language history.
OvezdurdyNepesow (Turkmenistan)
Anna Serdar’s manuscripts treasure in Yzgant village.
ShamshetdinAbdinazimov (Uzbekistan)
The Nehjul-feradis monument and kerdertoponim.
EjegyzCharieva (Turkmenistan)
Lutfy’s creative activity is a source of the ancient Turkmen language.
Muhammad Isa Waley (United Kingdom)
Chaghatay Turkic manuscripts in the British library: some highlights and rarities.
HojanepesAnnanepesov (Turkmenistan)
“Kutadgubilig” of Yusuf Balasagun is a literary heritage of oghuzes in XI century.
Bilal Yucel (Turkey)
On the differences of the manuscripts of Babur’s diwan.
Ata Gylyjev (Turkmenistan)
Literary onomastics and proper names.
MamatkuliJoraev (Uzbekistan)
Manuscript heritage and its role in the study of the epic tradition of the central Asian Turkic peoples.
RejepmuhammetGeldiyew (Turkmenistan)
The prose of the xv century and its language peculiarities.
Almas Binnatova (Azerbaijan)
Divans of Navoi and Fuzuli collected in the same volume
TajigozelHojageldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts are valuable sources.
Margareta Aslan (Romania)
Osman- Turkish poetry manuscripts from the collection of the central university libraries “Lucian Blaga” from Cluj-Napoca.
AnnagozelBekmammedova (Turkmenistan)
Significance of manuscripts in researching Magtymguly.
RamizAskarov (Azerbaijan)
Brief description of some handwritten dictionaries of Turkic languages.
DovletmyratYazkulyev (Turkmenistan)
Page-secret of AlisherNovaiy family life.
GulbahremMolotowa (Kazakhzstan)
Significance of manuscripts while learning the problems of literary criticism.
OgulgurbanHodzhamuradova (Turkmenistan)
Traditions in the eipc legend “Gorkutata” (Based on manuscript sources)
Maya Klycheva (Russia)
Role of textual criticism in study of the modern Turkmen language.
Chary Komekov, GurbangozelKomekova (Turkmenistan)
Reliable source of information about Abu SagydAbulhair.
AniSargsyan (Armenia)
Some peculiarities of the manuscripts of baky.
SurayGundogdyeva (Turkmenistan)
Work of SayfiSarayi “Gulistany bit-Turki” as the source of studying of Turkmen language.
UnalZal (Sweden)
Manuscript works of Uighurs’ in Sweden.
Ashe Gurbandurdyeva (Turkmenistan)
About some manuscripts of Garajaoglan’s poems.
GurgenMelikyan, AleksandrSafaryan (Armenia)
Studying the Turkmen literature in Armenia.
NarlyNuryev (Turkmenistan)
Abdurakhman Jami’s literary heritage in the Turkmen manuscript sources.
DovletgeldiSeyidov, MiweSeyidova (Turkmenistan)
Interpretation of the album called beyaz.
DaniilRadivilov (Ukraine)
The collection of the ibadit manuscripts of S. Smogozhevskiy: as-siyar al-‘umaniyya collection
YazgylychOrazklychev (Turkmenistan)
Hand-written books- perennial source of studying of history of the Turkmen.
AhmetAbdylezizBakkush (Egypt)
FazlullaIbnRuzbahanHanjyEsfahany and his work “History of Emim- Decorator of World”.
Ata Nuriyev, GulshatOrazmukhammedova (Turkmenistan)
Valuable archival documents about the history of northern Turkmenistan.
GhulamNabi Khaki (India)
Significance of manuscripts in the promotion of culture and historical studies.
AnnageldiGubayev, MahriPerdeliyeva (Turkmenistan)
Archeology and written monuments- major source throwing light on antiquity (on the example of the Parthian kingdoms)
GulZahir (Pakistan)
Manuscripts of Pakistan.
HemraYusupov (Turkmenistan)
Few lines about the secret meaning into works MahtymkuliPragi “… adam was Safyulloy”.
RasulJafaryan (Iran)
Manuscripts as the sources of the study of history.
OrazpolatEkayew (Turkmenistan)
Written sources of the Turkmen history in 15-16 centuries.
Mehmet Ryhtym (Turkey)
The Azerbaijan manuscripts and some important Horasani-Khorezmi manuscripts located in the research institute of Caucasus.
OrazgeldiAshirov (Turkmenistan)
The praise of the mounted troops of the Turkic peoples in MuhammetUtby’s work “history of sultan MahmytGaznaly”.
VyacheslavMenkovskiy (Belarus)
Manuscripts as the monuments of history and historical sources.
Han-DurdyKurbanov (Turkmenistan)
Written sources XII-XIV centuries on the ethnic history of the Turkmen.
MarijaDindic (Serbia)
The ottoman tax registers.
KhodjakuliAshirov, YagshimuratNuryev (Turkmenistan)
The history of the military art of the Turkmens of nineteenth century in the French sources.
GulmiraMuhtarova (Kazakistan)
The pilgrimage in the legends of kazah folklore.
ShirinGylychmedova (Turkmenistan)
Memory scripts in stamps.
Li Ok Ryon, Kim Den Suk (Korea)
SamgukSagi-a historical chronicle of the ancient and early medieval history of Korea.
SeyitmammedSeyidov (Turkmenistan)
Value of the Arabian sources in study of history of the Turkmen people.
Rasa Chepaitene (Lithuania)
Manuscript Heritage of the Lithuanian Tatars.
AkmyratOvezov, AltynHydyrova (Turkmenistan)
Scientific heritage of Kunyaurgench Turkmens in medieval period.
SubhyAbdylmungym (Egypt)
On the work “KitabyDiyarbekiriyye”.
JumagozelAllayarova (Turkmenistan)
Patriotic warrior Sultan JelaleddinMenburun in historical sources.
Yar Muhammad Badini (Pakistan)
Manuscript is a source of heritage.
AtamyratSaryev (Turkmenistan)
 History of manuscripts collection in Turkmenistan.
EnverUysal (Turkiye)
The cultural importance of manuscripts.
NurmuhammetGylychurdyyev (Turkmenistan)
Work of Ahmad bin Yusuf Garamany “Information on the states and traces left by the ancestors” as a Turkmen historical monument.
Shaman Bayrammuradov (Turkmenistan)
Ibn an-Asir compositions-valuable sources in the history of Turkmens.
Maya Akmyradova (Turkmenistan)
Armenian Historical Sources as a Means of Development of International Co-operation.
RoikBahodirov (Uzbekistan)
Written sources for the classification of sciences stored in the collections of oriental studies, academy of sciences of Uzbekistan.
BubaKudava (Georgia)
National manuscript center of Georgia.
YusupMamedov (Turkmenistan)
The preservation of the manuscript books of Turkmenistan.
Nassem Ahmad Shah (India)
An evaluation of the techniques of preserving the written heritage (manuscripts) with special focus on the method of digitization.
Alma Suleymanly (Turkmenistan)
The basic principles of conservation of the manuscript books.
ZaimKhenchelaoui (Algeria)
Care and handling of manuscripts.
GozelPollykova (Turkmenistan)
Modern methods of restoration and conservation of ancient manuscript monuments.
UnverNiyazi (Turkey)
The use of the papers in the written works and their peculiarities.
Chary Muhammadjuma (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts-national wealth Turkmen people.
GayaneEliazyan (Armenia)
The straightening up and preservation of Matenadaran written monuments.
BashimIvanov, Ore Yovdjanov, OguljanAtdayeva (Turkmenistan)
Research study and disentanglement of hieroglyphic and cuneiform manuscripts through the use of computer technologies and combinatorial analysis.
MunevverTekcan (Turkiye)
Restoring old manuscripts with ‘off the shelf’ image processing software.
HydyrSaparlyev, Murat Tuvakov (Turkmenistan)
Significance of ancient manuscripts in study history of the Turkmen architecture.
BagtygulGulamshayeva (Kyrgyzstan)
The manuscripts are the cultural heritage about the making the electronic copies of the manuscripts kept in the libraries of Kyrgyzstan.
OrazmuhammetAtakhanov (Turkmenistan)
The role of information technology in the manuscripts.
YunusKudury (Iraq)
The school of Iraq and the development of Arabic illustration art in the manuscripts.
AchildurdyTaganov, Lola Yagmurova (Turkmenistan)
Problems while learning and implementing manuscripts in scientific circulation.
Murat Azezi (China)
Manuscripts are the first source for studying the national heritage.
GayipovKasym (Turkmenistan)
The chronicles of the Seljuk times.
GochaSaitidze (Georgia)
The personal archive stocks in the ancient book depositories of Georgia.
MaralSahatgeldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts about Barhurdar Turkmen
RamchandraLiladhar (USA)
The digital preservation of medieval central Asian, Indian and Persian manuscripts: construction of the digital library through the open-source platforms.
MerjenAmanova (Turkmenistan)
Types of taxes and their management in Seljuk state.
TazegulMuhammetjuma (Afghanistan)
Manuscripts- the national heritage of the people.
TazegulMuhammetjuma (Turkmenistan)
Enrichment of outlook of students under the influence of historical sources.
Jerzy Ostapczuk (Poland)
Typological classification of the Slavic gospel manuscripts.
GuljahanYagmyrova (Turkmenistan)
Advantage of manuscripts in investigation of Nejmeddin Kubra’s creative activity.
ParvanaBayram (Tukey)
About the “Latest calligraphers”
OgulgerekBekieva, ArslanCharyev (Turkmenistan)
Economic problems of Abbasid period in the manuscript sources.
HajymuhammetGeldiyev, AzatgeldiOvezov (Turkmenistan)
Applied problems in scientific heritage of Abul-FathAbdyrahman al-Mansur al-Hazini.
OgultaganGeldiniyazova, SerdarAtdayev (Turkmenistan)
Image of AbusagydAbulhair, in book MuhammedMunewwer “Legends of Mane-baba miracles”
OguljennetJumalyeva (Turkmenistan)
Fundamentals of journalism and its sources.
Roman Motulsky (Belorussia)
Annals as the primary source on Belarus history.
ShabanalyJumayev, YangylMamedova (Turkmenistan)
Similarities in MahmytKashgarly’s dictionary and the language of Stavropol Turkmens.
HidayetPeker (Turkey)
From manuscript to calligraphy in the ottoman.
OgulbabekAmandurdyeva (Turkmenistan)
The main role of calligraphy in the middlen age society.
HalilAtalay (Turkey)
Manuscripts in Turkey
AhatmuradNuvvayev (Turkmenistan)
Miniature paintings on the pages of manuscripts
AbdyldajanAkmataliyev (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyz depository of manuscripts
KakadanBayramov (Turkmenistan)
Art in handwritten book
Abbas Tashkandi (Saudi Arabia)
New trends in collecting manuscript copies.
RustamAnnamuhammedov (Turkmenistan)
Epigraphic method pottery decoration.
ZeraBekirova (Ukraine)
The manuscript of the national teacher Abduraman Bari “Unforgettable episode in my life” as evidence of the original history of Krym-Tatar till the deport from Krym.
YazgulAkyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Role of the manuscripts in the study of history of medieval eastern history.
AbdylnasyrAbdylshukur (Afghanistan)
Manuscripts-the literary treasure.
GozelAmankulieva (Turkmenistan)
Identity of Turkmen manuscripts and “penmanship”
RahmatullaBarakaev (Uzbekistan)
Lithographic publications as an integral part of the handwritten monuments.
SahraYusupova, NagmatyllaAmanlyev (Turkmenistan)
First handwritten creations about Anadoly Seljuk Turkmen.
TirkeshbayBayjanov (Uzbekistan)
On the Turkmen and Kara-kalpak versions of the AshykNajepdastan.
OrazgulBayrammammedova (Turkmenistan)
Periodical Publication in Caspian region as a source in learning the land.
LyubovDubrovina (Ukraine)
The institure of manuscripts of V.I.Vernadskiy national library of the Ukraine of the academy of sciences of the Ukraine: scientific description of the manuscripts and formation of the complex electronic resource.
AnnajahanKarajaeva (Turkmenistan)
The creative decoration of Indian manuscripts.
Tatyana Karnilava (Belorussia)
Oriental manuscripts in the stocks of the national library of Belorussia (for making the catalogue of manuscripts).
BakharJepbarova (Turkmenistan)
Use of the words connected with white yurts in the ancient written monuments.
Mukhammet Said (Iraq)
Khashiyas in the Arabic manuscripts.
GulyalekKeroglyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Calligraphy- an important part of decorative ornaments in Turkmen architecture.
OrazsahatOrazov (Turkmenistan)
RazieddinSarakhsi and comments on his work “Al-muhit”
ShahjoueiMohammadamin (Iran)
The necessity and importance of insight into the treasure of manuscripts and its academic and scientific requirements.
GulamyllaYagshymyradov (Turkmenistan)
The lost chronicles about medieval cities of Turkmenistan
El GuessabYassin (Morocco)
The origin and existence o the manuscripts of Magrib Arab.
BaharYazmiradova (Turkmenistan)
Art decoration manuscripts books Seljuk Turkmens.
BabajanMollaekaev (Turkmenistan)
The value of bibliographic sources in the study of manuscripts
NurjemalIsmailova (Turkmenistan)
The modern methods of learning historical heritage of Turkmen nation in the history lessons
SaidakbarMuhammadaminov (Uzbekistan)
On a unique manuscripts from the collection of the institute of oriental studies of the academy of sciences of Uzbekistan.

MeruretAbuseyitova (Kazakhstan)
The role of manuscripts and archival sources in the study of history and culture of the Turkic nations.
AmangulKarryyeva (Turkmenistan)
Matenadaran is the keeper of legendary “Kerogly”
Vladimir Besolov (Russia)
Private achieves and manuscripts of the architecture critics-orientalists and historians of art of the medieval orient as the most important national property and valuable sources of the investigation of the middle Asian peoples artistic heritage.
BayramBasarov (Turkmenistan)
To the usage of content-analysis in analysis of manuscripts.
AtoHojaev (Tajikistan)
The section of manuscript-the very source in studying language, literature and national heritage based on the works of MagtymgulyPyragi and its translation into the Tajik language.
AtajanBurynov (Turkmenistan)
Preservation, researching and popularization of manuscripts in modern conditions as one of the important directions in the policy of dear president GurbangulyBerdimuhamedov.
KawtharAbouelfetouh (Egypt)
Manuscripts reserved in the national library Darul-Kutup in Egypt by the scientists of Asia minor.
AkgulKayumova (Turkmenistan)
National values in the cultural development of the world.
Helga KohrsKegel (Spain)
Research of manuscripts in the frame of international cooperation.
AllamyratAkmyradov (Turkmenistan)
Scientific ethno botanical aspects of the work “treasure of Horezm shah” by Seyit Ismail Gurgenli.
DanutaChmielowska (Poland)
Oriental written documents found in Poland’s libraries.
OguljahanSopyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts – core of the historical novels.
Igor Zherebtsov (Russia)
Interpretation of manuscripts as a source of cultural heritage study.
NurtachAnnamuhammedova (Turkmenistan)
The novel that increases value of the national manuscripts.
BeshirBarakat (Jodan)
The manuscripts are the main source in studying the history of Beytul-Makdis.
GulalekNurbadova (Turkmenistan)
About zikir dance in manuscripts source.
KrisztinaFogas (Hungary)
Arminius Vambery: the introduction of the Turkmen language and manuscripts to the western world.
BatyrKakageldiyev (Turkmenistan)
Praise of patriotism and courage of sultan Jelaledddin in the manuscript sources.
AkermiJaafar (Tunisia)
Library network of manuscripts of republic Tunisia.
SeyytgulyMamednurov (Turkmenistan)
The importance of manuscripts for enrichment of the Bagshy’s repertoire.
MarchinaEnzmann (Avstriya)
In search of cultures.
ArslanMuradov, HatijaMamedkuliyeva (Turkmenistan)
Ancient manuscripts are people’s memory.
MinawaerAibibula (China)
On the collecting and codification of ancient works of minority literature in Xingjian.
GulshirinOrazova (Turkmenistan)
The importance of researching interconnection between Azady’s and Magtymguly’s philosophical thoughts.
Galina Mishkinene (Lithuania)
Manuscripts of the Lithuanian Tatars as the major monument of national culture.
SerdarShemiyev (Turkmenistan)
Education by word in “Kutadgu-bilik” poem.
TeggorHochine (Algeria)
Algerian collection of manuscripts.
OgulgerekShageldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Professor Y. E. Bertels about studying the Turkmen literature.
NedirgulyRejepdurdyyev (Turkmenistan)
Value of mutual cooperation of the central Asian states at studying of manuscripts.
LachynPurjayeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts as the valuable source for studying lullabies and ceremonies connected to the birth of child.
OguljennetDurdymuhammedova, TumarSaparmyradova (Turkmenistan)
Contrastive analysis of the grammatical category of case in Turkmen and English on the example of the works written about our national heritage.
DmitreiNasilov (Russia)
The role of the manuscripts in studying the history of Turkic languages.
MuradPenjiyev (Turkmenistan)
HojaAkhmedYassavi’s “Hikmets” and the Turkmen language.
Pasha Kerimov (Azerbaijan)
On the history of the Azerbaijani handwritten book.
GylychNepesov (Turkmenistan)
NurmuhammedAndalib about Oguz-Turkmen writing.
HendrikBoeschoten (Niderlandiya)
The manuscripts of the Qisas-I Rabghuzi as a source for language history.
OvezdurdyNepesow (Turkmenistan)
Anna Serdar’s manuscripts treasure in Yzgant village.
ShamshetdinAbdinazimov (Uzbekistan)
The Nehjul-feradis monument and kerdertoponim.
EjegyzCharieva (Turkmenistan)
Lutfy’s creative activity is a source of the ancient Turkmen language.
Muhammad Isa Waley (United Kingdom)
Chaghatay Turkic manuscripts in the British library: some highlights and rarities.
HojanepesAnnanepesov (Turkmenistan)
“Kutadgubilig” of Yusuf Balasagun is a literary heritage of oghuzes in XI century.
Bilal Yucel (Turkey)
On the differences of the manuscripts of Babur’s diwan.
Ata Gylyjev (Turkmenistan)
Literary onomastics and proper names.
MamatkuliJoraev (Uzbekistan)
Manuscript heritage and its role in the study of the epic tradition of the central Asian Turkic peoples.
RejepmuhammetGeldiyew (Turkmenistan)
The prose of the xv century and its language peculiarities.
Almas Binnatova (Azerbaijan)
Divans of Navoi and Fuzuli collected in the same volume
TajigozelHojageldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts are valuable sources.
Margareta Aslan (Romania)
Osman- Turkish poetry manuscripts from the collection of the central university libraries “Lucian Blaga” from Cluj-Napoca.
AnnagozelBekmammedova (Turkmenistan)
Significance of manuscripts in researching Magtymguly.
RamizAskarov (Azerbaijan)
Brief description of some handwritten dictionaries of Turkic languages.
DovletmyratYazkulyev (Turkmenistan)
Page-secret of AlisherNovaiy family life.
GulbahremMolotowa (Kazakhzstan)
Significance of manuscripts while learning the problems of literary criticism.
OgulgurbanHodzhamuradova (Turkmenistan)
Traditions in the eipc legend “Gorkutata” (Based on manuscript sources)
Maya Klycheva (Russia)
Role of textual criticism in study of the modern Turkmen language.
Chary Komekov, GurbangozelKomekova (Turkmenistan)
Reliable source of information about Abu SagydAbulhair.
AniSargsyan (Armenia)
Some peculiarities of the manuscripts of baky.
SurayGundogdyeva (Turkmenistan)
Work of SayfiSarayi “Gulistany bit-Turki” as the source of studying of Turkmen language.
UnalZal (Sweden)
Manuscript works of Uighurs’ in Sweden.
Ashe Gurbandurdyeva (Turkmenistan)
About some manuscripts of Garajaoglan’s poems.
GurgenMelikyan, AleksandrSafaryan (Armenia)
Studying the Turkmen literature in Armenia.
NarlyNuryev (Turkmenistan)
Abdurakhman Jami’s literary heritage in the Turkmen manuscript sources.
DovletgeldiSeyidov, MiweSeyidova (Turkmenistan)
Interpretation of the album called beyaz.
DaniilRadivilov (Ukraine)
The collection of the ibadit manuscripts of S. Smogozhevskiy: as-siyar al-‘umaniyya collection
YazgylychOrazklychev (Turkmenistan)
Hand-written books- perennial source of studying of history of the Turkmen.
AhmetAbdylezizBakkush (Egypt)
FazlullaIbnRuzbahanHanjyEsfahany and his work “History of Emim- Decorator of World”.
Ata Nuriyev, GulshatOrazmukhammedova (Turkmenistan)
Valuable archival documents about the history of northern Turkmenistan.
GhulamNabi Khaki (India)
Significance of manuscripts in the promotion of culture and historical studies.
AnnageldiGubayev, MahriPerdeliyeva (Turkmenistan)
Archeology and written monuments- major source throwing light on antiquity (on the example of the Parthian kingdoms)
GulZahir (Pakistan)
Manuscripts of Pakistan.
HemraYusupov (Turkmenistan)
Few lines about the secret meaning into works MahtymkuliPragi “… adam was Safyulloy”.
RasulJafaryan (Iran)
Manuscripts as the sources of the study of history.
OrazpolatEkayew (Turkmenistan)
Written sources of the Turkmen history in 15-16 centuries.
Mehmet Ryhtym (Turkey)
The Azerbaijan manuscripts and some important Horasani-Khorezmi manuscripts located in the research institute of Caucasus.
OrazgeldiAshirov (Turkmenistan)
The praise of the mounted troops of the Turkic peoples in MuhammetUtby’s work “history of sultan MahmytGaznaly”.
VyacheslavMenkovskiy (Belarus)
Manuscripts as the monuments of history and historical sources.
Han-DurdyKurbanov (Turkmenistan)
Written sources XII-XIV centuries on the ethnic history of the Turkmen.
MarijaDindic (Serbia)
The ottoman tax registers.
KhodjakuliAshirov, YagshimuratNuryev (Turkmenistan)
The history of the military art of the Turkmens of nineteenth century in the French sources.
GulmiraMuhtarova (Kazakistan)
The pilgrimage in the legends of kazah folklore.
ShirinGylychmedova (Turkmenistan)
Memory scripts in stamps.
Li Ok Ryon, Kim Den Suk (Korea)
SamgukSagi-a historical chronicle of the ancient and early medieval history of Korea.
SeyitmammedSeyidov (Turkmenistan)
Value of the Arabian sources in study of history of the Turkmen people.
Rasa Chepaitene (Lithuania)
Manuscript Heritage of the Lithuanian Tatars.
AkmyratOvezov, AltynHydyrova (Turkmenistan)
Scientific heritage of Kunyaurgench Turkmens in medieval period.
SubhyAbdylmungym (Egypt)
On the work “KitabyDiyarbekiriyye”.
JumagozelAllayarova (Turkmenistan)
Patriotic warrior Sultan JelaleddinMenburun in historical sources.
Yar Muhammad Badini (Pakistan)
Manuscript is a source of heritage.
AtamyratSaryev (Turkmenistan)
 History of manuscripts collection in Turkmenistan.
EnverUysal (Turkiye)
The cultural importance of manuscripts.
NurmuhammetGylychurdyyev (Turkmenistan)
Work of Ahmad bin Yusuf Garamany “Information on the states and traces left by the ancestors” as a Turkmen historical monument.
Shaman Bayrammuradov (Turkmenistan)
Ibn an-Asir compositions-valuable sources in the history of Turkmens.
Maya Akmyradova (Turkmenistan)
Armenian Historical Sources as a Means of Development of International Co-operation.
RoikBahodirov (Uzbekistan)
Written sources for the classification of sciences stored in the collections of oriental studies, academy of sciences of Uzbekistan.
BubaKudava (Georgia)
National manuscript center of Georgia.
YusupMamedov (Turkmenistan)
The preservation of the manuscript books of Turkmenistan.
Nassem Ahmad Shah (India)
An evaluation of the techniques of preserving the written heritage (manuscripts) with special focus on the method of digitization.
Alma Suleymanly (Turkmenistan)
The basic principles of conservation of the manuscript books.
ZaimKhenchelaoui (Algeria)
Care and handling of manuscripts.
GozelPollykova (Turkmenistan)
Modern methods of restoration and conservation of ancient manuscript monuments.
UnverNiyazi (Turkey)
The use of the papers in the written works and their peculiarities.
Chary Muhammadjuma (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts-national wealth Turkmen people.
GayaneEliazyan (Armenia)
The straightening up and preservation of Matenadaran written monuments.
BashimIvanov, Ore Yovdjanov, OguljanAtdayeva (Turkmenistan)
Research study and disentanglement of hieroglyphic and cuneiform manuscripts through the use of computer technologies and combinatorial analysis.
MunevverTekcan (Turkiye)
Restoring old manuscripts with ‘off the shelf’ image processing software.
HydyrSaparlyev, Murat Tuvakov (Turkmenistan)
Significance of ancient manuscripts in study history of the Turkmen architecture.
BagtygulGulamshayeva (Kyrgyzstan)
The manuscripts are the cultural heritage about the making the electronic copies of the manuscripts kept in the libraries of Kyrgyzstan.
OrazmuhammetAtakhanov (Turkmenistan)
The role of information technology in the manuscripts.
YunusKudury (Iraq)
The school of Iraq and the development of Arabic illustration art in the manuscripts.
AchildurdyTaganov, Lola Yagmurova (Turkmenistan)
Problems while learning and implementing manuscripts in scientific circulation.
Murat Azezi (China)
Manuscripts are the first source for studying the national heritage.
GayipovKasym (Turkmenistan)
The chronicles of the Seljuk times.
GochaSaitidze (Georgia)
The personal archive stocks in the ancient book depositories of Georgia.
MaralSahatgeldiyeva (Turkmenistan)
Manuscripts about Barhurdar Turkmen
RamchandraLiladhar (USA)
The digital preservation of medieval central Asian, Indian and Persian manuscripts: construction of the digital library through the open-source platforms.
MerjenAmanova (Turkmenistan)
Types of taxes and their management in Seljuk state.
TazegulMuhammetjuma (Afghanistan)
Manuscripts- the national heritage of the people.
TazegulMuhammetjuma (Turkmenistan)
Enrichment of outlook of students under the influence of historical sources.
Jerzy Ostapczuk (Poland)
Typological classification of the Slavic gospel manuscripts.
GuljahanYagmyrova (Turkmenistan)
Advantage of manuscripts in investigation of Nejmeddin Kubra’s creative activity.
ParvanaBayram (Tukey)
About the “Latest calligraphers”
OgulgerekBekieva, ArslanCharyev (Turkmenistan)
Economic problems of Abbasid period in the manuscript sources.
HajymuhammetGeldiyev, AzatgeldiOvezov (Turkmenistan)
Applied problems in scientific heritage of Abul-FathAbdyrahman al-Mansur al-Hazini.
OgultaganGeldiniyazova, SerdarAtdayev (Turkmenistan)
Image of AbusagydAbulhair, in book MuhammedMunewwer “Legends of Mane-baba miracles”
OguljennetJumalyeva (Turkmenistan)
Fundamentals of journalism and its sources.
Roman Motulsky (Belorussia)
Annals as the primary source on Belarus history.
ShabanalyJumayev, YangylMamedova (Turkmenistan)
Similarities in MahmytKashgarly’s dictionary and the language of Stavropol Turkmens.
HidayetPeker (Turkey)
From manuscript to calligraphy in the ottoman.
OgulbabekAmandurdyeva (Turkmenistan)
The main role of calligraphy in the middlen age society.
HalilAtalay (Turkey)
Manuscripts in Turkey
AhatmuradNuvvayev (Turkmenistan)
Miniature paintings on the pages of manuscripts
AbdyldajanAkmataliyev (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyz depository of manuscripts
KakadanBayramov (Turkmenistan)
Art in handwritten book
Abbas Tashkandi (Saudi Arabia)
New trends in collecting manuscript copies.
RustamAnnamuhammedov (Turkmenistan)
Epigraphic method pottery decoration.
ZeraBekirova (Ukraine)
The manuscript of the national teacher Abduraman Bari “Unforgettable episode in my life” as evidence of the original history of Krym-Tatar till the deport from Krym.
YazgulAkyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Role of the manuscripts in the study of history of medieval eastern history.
AbdylnasyrAbdylshukur (Afghanistan)
Manuscripts-the literary treasure.
GozelAmankulieva (Turkmenistan)
Identity of Turkmen manuscripts and “penmanship”
RahmatullaBarakaev (Uzbekistan)
Lithographic publications as an integral part of the handwritten monuments.
SahraYusupova, NagmatyllaAmanlyev (Turkmenistan)
First handwritten creations about Anadoly Seljuk Turkmen.
TirkeshbayBayjanov (Uzbekistan)
On the Turkmen and Kara-kalpak versions of the AshykNajepdastan.
OrazgulBayrammammedova (Turkmenistan)
Periodical Publication in Caspian region as a source in learning the land.
LyubovDubrovina (Ukraine)
The institure of manuscripts of V.I.Vernadskiy national library of the Ukraine of the academy of sciences of the Ukraine: scientific description of the manuscripts and formation of the complex electronic resource.
AnnajahanKarajaeva (Turkmenistan)
The creative decoration of Indian manuscripts.
Tatyana Karnilava (Belorussia)
Oriental manuscripts in the stocks of the national library of Belorussia (for making the catalogue of manuscripts).
BakharJepbarova (Turkmenistan)
Use of the words connected with white yurts in the ancient written monuments.
Mukhammet Said (Iraq)
Khashiyas in the Arabic manuscripts.
GulyalekKeroglyyeva (Turkmenistan)
Calligraphy- an important part of decorative ornaments in Turkmen architecture.
OrazsahatOrazov (Turkmenistan)
RazieddinSarakhsi and comments on his work “Al-muhit”
ShahjoueiMohammadamin (Iran)
The necessity and importance of insight into the treasure of manuscripts and its academic and scientific requirements.
GulamyllaYagshymyradov (Turkmenistan)
The lost chronicles about medieval cities of Turkmenistan
El GuessabYassin (Morocco)
The origin and existence o the manuscripts of Magrib Arab.
BaharYazmiradova (Turkmenistan)
Art decoration manuscripts books Seljuk Turkmens.
BabajanMollaekaev (Turkmenistan)
The value of bibliographic sources in the study of manuscripts
NurjemalIsmailova (Turkmenistan)
The modern methods of learning historical heritage of Turkmen nation in the history lessons
SaidakbarMuhammadaminov (Uzbekistan)
On a unique manuscripts from the collection of the institute of oriental studies of the academy of sciences of Uzbekistan.

 *- بخش۱و۲ یادداشتهای فهرست نگار نسخه های خطی وپژوهشگر تاریخ روابط خارجی ایران

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